At DORFIN, you can settle tax refunds from Norway, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, England and Belgium. In most cases, you’ll be refunded. With our help, the tax settlement and refund procedure will be simple and understandable to you. The tax refund will go to you directly to your bank account or in the form of a check.

We are settling taxes of people working abroad since 2004. Because tax settlements, in particular refund amounts or tax subsidies, are very important to customers, we constantly improve our skills. By using our company, you can always count on factual and competent service. We remember that the client’s interest is the most important. Our experience has already been trusted by several thousand Poles as well as foreigners. At DORFIN, you will be able to settle taxes from most European countries. We draw taxes from the most popular destinations of economic emigration and we are constantly expanding the scope of our services.

With our help you can also apply for family benefits in Norway, Germany and Denmark. We submit applications for benefits, taking into account the 500+ benefit paid in Poland.